Contributed by Skip Bieber (e)skip7547  @skip7547 Great News!  Missions have been updated and some wonderful new features have been added.   Since no one else posted constructive information on the…

Source: New Mission Updates

Greatpoetrymhf's Weblog

 New milestone on blog
All time
 Healing days have arrived.
Thank you so much for your support as I learn and grow.


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Source: Hope or Expectation or Cry of Desperation

Make It Your Problem

You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. ~ Robert Marsden

Untitled design (3)

35 years, 1985 to 2015, the Kansas City Royals plugged away building momentum, stumbling just when it seemed possible and climbing back to win the World Series again. I was cheering for the opponents of the Royals; The Mets and the Blue Jays before them but I admire their tenacity and determination. In both of their last series they took what they were given and made lemonade; seeing the positive and having hope they could turn their situation around. Congratulations Kansas City.

I was at the Bare Naked Ladies concert in Calgary last night (great opening act – Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies). They have been making music together for 27 years (more than half their lives)…

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